Ulrich Bollinger Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ulrich Bollinger)


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THE TEARS AND THE SILENCEVintage Wings of Canada

— ... the Corsair was flown by Paul Kissmann while the Mustang was flown by John Aitken Photo: Peter Handley, Photoship pilot Ulrich Bollinger.

14 Nov Advertising - TroveNational Library of Australia

Ulrich Bollinger, John Ivan Green, James Fraser, and. William Jones, and duly attested according to the provi-. sions of the statute in that behalf made and ...

Vintage planes and an astronaut roar into GatineauCTV News Ottawa

— In front of me in the double-seater is Ulrich Bollinger, a former RCAF pilot who spent most of his time in C-104 Starfighters.

Findbuch B 530 S: Wengen, reguliertes ...

... Bürger zu Ulm, durchgeführte Vergantung und den anschließenden Verkauf von dessen Weingarten im Krugtal an Ulrich Bollinger als rechtmäßig. › plink
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