Valerie Brand Person-Info 

( Ich bin Valerie Brand)


(1 - 4 von 14

'Watch this space' on Tesco's Giraffe sale, says Luke Johnson |...
Serial entrepreneur Luke Johnson fuelled specualtion of a return to Tesco’s up-for-sale restaurants chain Giraffe, saying “watch this space”.

Guardian: Patisserie Valerie saved in buyout backed by Irish private equity...

More than 100 cafes and 2,000 jobs saved in Causeway Capital and AF Blakemore & Son deals

Sunday interview: Patisserie Valerie's Luke Johnson
The serial entrepreneur tells how his Patisserie Valerie chain’s 'affordable treats’ have defied the recession and of his plans for expansion

Derek Pain: I'm looking to recruit new shares to lift my selection to...
I am examining four possible additions to the No Pain, No Gain portfolio. Quite clearly it needs recruits, with its number down to a dozen and one constituent,...
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Person "Brand" (33)
Vorname "Valerie" (6089)
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