Vanessa Bednarz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vanessa Bednarz)


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Corals from the twilight zone: Who eats what on a deep
— The team is focused on studying different characteristics and sites where these deep corals are growing. Dr. Vanessa Bednarz, postdoctoral ...

Palau's microplastic crisis, study showsIslands Business
— ... Vanessa Bednarz and Christine Ferrier-Pages from the Centre Scientifique de Monaco and recently appeared in the scientific journal, ...

Congratulations to Vanessa Bednarz
for her successful PhD defence! On 12 February 2015, Vanessa defended her PhD thesis with a talk entitled "Benthic dinitrogen fixation in a Northern Red Sea coral reef under seasonally changing environmental conditions"

Herts Women's Centre in Stevenage closing down | The Comet
A charity which supports women who have been …d or suffered domestic abuse will permanently close tomorrow, leaving its vulnerable clients facing an...
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