Victorian England Person-Info 

( Ich bin Victorian England)


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How tattoos became fashionable in Victorian England - CNN Style
Tattooing was a growing and accepted phenomenon in Victorian England -- not restricted to convicts, sailors and soldiers.

Could the age of computers have begun in Victorian England? | Fox News
A Victorian-era device might have jumpstarted the Computer Age more than 100 years before the first personal computers of Bill Gates or Steve ...

Taken from life: The unsettling art of death photography - BBC › news › uk-englan...
In Victorian England after-death photographs became a way of commemorating the dead and blunting the sharpness of grief.

Victorian England: a nation of coffee drinkers
Victorian Britons were a population of coffee drinkers, paying few taxes, who didn't divorce. This is the fascinating, if partial, view of nineteenth century...
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