Vincent Santa Ana Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vincent Santa Ana)


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Car flies into second floor of California building
SANTA ANA — A speeding car struck a median and flew into the second floor of a building early Sunday morning, Jan. 14, remaining lodged into a dental office, authorities said. The white Nissan Altima was traveling at a high rate of speed northbound on French Street when the accident occurred in the ...

Santa Ana: Car flies into second story of building, gets stuck | The...
A driver, a passenger and a car wound up stuck in the second story of a Santa Ana building this weekend, authorities reported Sunday.

Dramatic video captures car crashing into 2nd floor dental office -...
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Aktuelle Uhrzeit in Santa Ana (Zeitzone und Zeitverschiebung) El...
Wie spät bzw. wie viel Uhr ist es? Aktuelle Uhrzeit / Ortszeit Santa Ana, El Salvador
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Vorname "Santa" (387)
Name "Ana" (2309)
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