Vitali Bill Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vitali Bill)


Lack of Tax on Gas Decried - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette March 2011
Supporters of the Vitali bill say they are relieved that Mr. Corbett's budget address Tuesday made no mention of leasing more land to drillers.

Vitali warns that bill to foster commercial development in state...
HARRISBURG, June 22 – State Rep. Greg Vitali, D-Delaware/Montgomery, expressed concern today that a bill promoting commercial development like...

Lack of tax on gas decried | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
HARRISBURG -- Environmentalists and laborers joined forces Wednesday to bring the fight over state funding to a three-story brownstone that

Vitali: Bill prevents municipalities from addressing plastic bag...
Sustainability News. Vitali: Bill prevents municipalities from addressing plastic bag problems. October 21, Specifically, under the bill, H.B , ...
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