Vito Franco Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vito Franco)


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Medizin ǀ Krank durch Kunst — der Freitag
Mona Lisa hatte zu viel Cholestorin, Michelangelo Nierensteine ­– ein Forscher sieht es ihren Gemälden an

Behind the smile Mona Lisa may have been suffering from › article
Vito Franco, Professor of Pathological Anatomy at the University of Palermo, claims that there are clear signs of diseases, from bone ...

Mona Lisa, High Cholesterol: Seeing Illness in Paintings - TIME
An Italian professor believes he's cracked the mystery behind 'Mona Lisa': an accumulation of cholesterol beneath the woman's skin

La enigmática sonrisa de la Mona Lisa, culpa del colesterol
Un doctor italiano afirma que la misteriosa sonrisa de «La Gioconda» es culpa de un exceso de colesterol
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Vito Franco
Person "Franco" (2)
Vorname "Vito" (1688)
Name "Franco" (1911)
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