Vladimir Gelev Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vladimir Gelev)


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Restaurant Review: Hotel Cartagena - News | Khaleej Times

Latin American food is a delicious study in diversity. And Dubai, which ranks in the top 10 in a Google survey, as one of the most diverse foodie cap...

EUROISMAR ( August 2019): Late-Breaking Posters

Dr Vladimir Gelev (Sofia University) Poster-Late A relatively affordable synthesis of leucine that is labeled stereo-selectively 13CH3/d3 at the two methyl groups is described. Use of this leucine in otherwise natural abundance medium provides “local” deuteration that significantly improves 13C/1H3 observation of proteins expressed in ...

Neue Methode gibt "lebensnahe" Einblicke in zelluläre Prozesse

Proteine sind die Grundbausteine allen Lebens auf der Erde und spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei fast allen Prozessen, die in den Zellen von Organismen...

Dubai Foodie News: a new Brazilian eatery, Qbara’s new summer menu...

News, stories, features and analysis related to fashion, food and cooking, travel, luxury, wellbeing, motoring and things to do in the UAE and around the world
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