Wael Monsour Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wael Monsour)


Arabic Voiceover Artist For Donald Duck Fired Over 'Anti-Zionist'...

The actor who provided the voice for Donald Duck in the Middle East has been allegedly fired for tweeting that Israel should be demolished . Wael Monsour...

Good news stories to inspire, motivate and make you smile

· Charbel Abillama trusted his best friend Wael Monsour to help him with his creative plan for the proposal, which was captured by bystanders ...

Prova gratuita di danza del ventre | Italian-eventi.it

Nadiyya inizia a studiare danze orientali nel con il maestro internazionale faren ben azira. Successivamente approfondisce gli studi con la maestra...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Wael Monsour
Vorname "Wael" (677)
Name "Monsour" (16)
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