Wayne Anker Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wayne Anker)


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Guardian: Summat to ate | North of England | The Guardian

Welcome to the Northerner, Guardian Unlimited's digest of the best of the northern press.

Australian Artillery Association eNewsletter - December 2016

Craig Hewitt and Wayne Anker. The funds held by the RNZAA in respect to 161 Battery in. SVN were paid out to the organisers of the recent 50. th. Reunion.

Old Folks Shows return to Bridgwater | Bridgwater Mercury

BRIDGWATER’S over-60s will be able to enjoy a night of song, dance and comedy with the return of the ever popular Old Folks Shows.

The Chronicle - Rawson Memorial Library

Parents: Harvey Bell & Marilyn Bell. College/Future Plans: Kettering University. Engineering. Sponsor: General Cable. RYAN WAYNE ANKER.
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