Wayne Trevathan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wayne Trevathan)


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Wayne Trevathan, Creative Advantages - Proposition 8 Campaign...

Database of donations and campaign contributions given both in support of and in opposition to Proposition 8, the ballot measure that amended...

||| JERBA NICOL Exotics |||

Thank you team of the Feline Fanciers of Benelux for a nice show. Thank you Jody Garrison, Wayne Trevathan, Wain Harding, Becky Orlando, Diana Rothermel, Pam Delabar, Guy Pantigny & Olga Grebneva for using my boy into your finals!

CFA Abyssinian Breed Council: Newsletter

Home page for CFA's Abyssinian Breed Council. With links to the Cat Fancier's Association and other links to Abyssinian Cats.

The Cat Fanciers' Association Newsletter - April

There's also a preview of the Annual, a tribute to Wayne Trevathan, and information on platelet rich plasma therapy for cats. We also launch our "What You ...
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