Weiwei Wang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Weiwei Wang)


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Bauhaus-Uni ist internationale Hochschule des Jahres | Kulturpolitik...

Mit 190 Partnerhochschulen weltweit, davon 142 in Europa, steht Weimars Bauhaus-Universität in Kontakt. Auch deshalb wurde die Bauhaus-Universität Anfang...

Shanghai Native Weiwei Wang on the Biennale and her City | BLOUIN...

In an interview with Modern Painters, curator and Shanghai native Weiwei Wang spoke about the Biennale, about shifting artist ambitions, and ...

Ben Doyle and Weiwei Wang Join Public Assets' BoardPublic Assets Institute

— She announced that Weiwei Wang of Burlington and Ben Doyle of Montpelier have been elected to the board. A non-partisan nonprofit with ...

Champlain College honors Weiwei Wang as Vermont Business Magazine

— “Champlain College is thrilled to name Weiwei Wang as this year's Distinguished Citizen. As co-founder of Vermont Professionals of Color Network ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Weiwei Wang
Person "Wang" (6)
Vorname "Weiwei" (59)
Name "Wang" (6011)
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