Wiebke Arendt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wiebke Arendt)


B2B SaaS Growth Marketing Sparring with Advance B2B

Thursday, March 25 at 4:00pm EET with Audrey Agahan, Hanna Harjula, Jenna Hölttä, Ali Kisaoglu, Wiebke Arendt, Hanna Isohanni-Nikula, Seija Lappalainen. › event

Five inspiring startups from CEBIT IT Business

“The problem with banner ads is that they're disruptive,” said Wiebke Arendt, who handles marketing and PR for Finland-based Kiosked, “and they take the ... › news

The role of personal branding in growth marketing - The Growth Hub -...

Friday, May 21 at 3:00pm EEST with Audrey Agahan, Samuli Salonen, Ali Kisaoglu, Wiebke Arendt, Paula Määttä, Seija Lappalainen. Join us if you need some growth...

Nomentia – the new Nordic powerhouse for global cash management |...

OpusCapita and Analyste have merged to create Nomentia – a Nordic powerhouse for global cash management. The new company is called Nomentia.
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