Wilhelm Dziambor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wilhelm Dziambor)


A Tale Of Two Manufactures - Magzterwww.magzter.com › stories › Revolution-Hong-Kong

The mission was passed down to Wilhelm Dziambor, Christian Lausen and later Claus Johannes Voss, who would go on to create fountain pens in Hamburg, ...

Montblanc Writing Instruments | Wheelers Luxury Gifts

During this period, Wilhelm Dziambor, Christian Lausen and Claus Johannes Voss took over the business and created the beginning of what ...

Montblanc Watches: Writing History Again - Hal Martin's Watch &...

The name Montblanc has been synonymous with the culture of writing for more than a 100 years. It is hard to know, if in 1906, when Hamburg banker, Alfred...

A guide to Montblanc’s new UltraBlack Writing Instruments | News |...

Last year Montblanc launched a new campaign under the tagline “What Moves You, Makes You”. The message behind the new concept is one defined by success,...
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