William Léonard Higgitt Person-Info 

( Ich bin William Léonard Higgitt)


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Bob Plamondon: The heavy hand of Trudeau | National Postnationalpost.com › opinion › bob-plamondon-the...

A Trudeau cabinet minister, Don Jamieson, recalled that then-RCMP Commissioner William Higgitt confirmed that the WMA had produced ...

Dec 20, 1972, p Winnipeg Free Press Newspaper Archivesarchives.winnipegfreepress.com › ...

As a youth, Leonard Higgitt was struck' by the dedication RCMP officers seemed to dis- play in coping with the prob- lems and hardships ...

Tracing a history of RCMP chiefs - The Globe and Mail

Since 1873, Canada's police have seen 20 commissioners come and go

40 years later: Security and the FLQ - The Globe and Mail

When 'peace, order and good government' are more important than individual liberties
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu William Léonard Higgitt
Carl Persson
Vorname "Léonard" (63)
Name "Higgitt" (3)
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