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Proposed Healthcare Prescription for America Won't Heal Lady Liberty's Wounds

[Student Operated Press] - The PHP has great credentials, being supported by five Nobel Economics` Laureates: George Akerlof, Edmund Phelps, Thomas Schelling, William Sharpe and Vernon L. Smith. Surgery to America`s healthcare system, Medicare, is coming around again.

SJB FondsEcho. Magna Turkey Fund. MiFID-Risikoklasse nach MFX 5.

[FINANZEN.NET NEWS (Pressemitteilung)] - Die nach dem Nobelpreisträger William Sharpe benannte Kennziffer misst die durchschnittliche Rendite in Bezug auf das eingegangene Risiko. Dabei wird der Fonds mit dem risikolosen Geldmarkt konfrontiert. Angenommen, die Sharpe Ratio liegt beim Fonds

Hedge fund metric could answer Volcker Rule riddle

[Reuters Blogs (blog)] - Regulators have until October to hash out the various ideas among themselves and with banks and implement these provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act. Named for its creator, Nobel laureate William Sharpe, the ratio basically measures risk-adjusted returns.

Google News: Dur, dur d'être un boomer!

[Conseiller.ca] - Il s'inspire notamment de William Sharpe et Moshe Milevsky lorsqu'il conseille ses clients boomers. « Quelques années avant la retraite, les clients doivent cesser de penser uniquement en terme d'accumulation et de richesse. Il faut plutôt considérer
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Vorname "William" (13389)
Name "Sharpe" (286)
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