Wilson Ramos Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wilson Ramos)


(1 - 4 von 62

Venezuelans used intelligence operation to find missing catcher - CNN

A Colombian man may be the mastermind behind the kidnapping in Venezuela of major league catcher Wilson Ramos, Venezuela's justice ...

Major league catcher kidnapped in Venezuela - CNN

Gunmen kidnapped Major League Baseball catcher Wilson Ramos from his family home in Venezuela, a spokeswoman for his Venezuelan ...

Wilson Ramos - Profispieler im Basball - nach Entführung befreit |...

Caracas - Der entführte venezolanische Baseball-Profi Wilson Ramos vom amerikanischen Club Washington Nationals ist von Sicherheitskräften befreit worden. Wie es

Wilson Ramos Stats, Highlights, Bio | MiLB.com Stats | The Official...

The latest Wilson Ramos Stats, Video Highlights, News and more from MiLB.com.
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