Without Fear Person-Info 

( Ich bin Without Fear)


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Google News: Interview with Iraqi author Hadiya Hussein''I feel closer to my ...

[Qantara.de] - These were crimes that went unrecognized by the world, or were recognized but not discussed. I wrote without fear of the regime's infamous repression, although it had agents in all neighboring countries. How do you conceive of censorship, self-censorship?

Grief, despair and anger - India at a crossroads

[Deutsche Welle] - But during her two-week fight for life, the media and protesters gave her various symbolic names: "India's Daughter," "Amanat," which translates as something like "treasure," or "Nirbhaya" - "She who is without fear." Candlelight vigils were held in

New York woman goes "100 days without fear" - CNN

100 days without fear: One woman overcomes ... everything. By Daphne Sashin, CNN. Updated 2:31 PM ET, Wed June 24, Chat with us ...
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