Xiao Shen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Xiao Shen)


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A Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop: Coen brothers in the Gobi desert… -...

Chinese director Zhang Yimou remakes Blood Simple in odd, slapstick style

ᐅ Xiao Shen

ᐅ Sie suchen Informationen zum Künstler Xiao Shen? Hier finden Sie Wissenswertes für Ihre Künstler-Recherche zu Xiao Shen.

Stepdad cut off boy's hand with cleaver in Shenyang, in Liaoning...

He called police to confess but the hand had already swelled up and was no longer usable and the boy will now need an artificial arm

Chinese man jailed for cutting off stepson's hand with a meat cleaver...

Wang Xinyu, 31, met the boy's mother Xiao Shen just over a year ago and the pair had been looking at buying a flat together in Shenyang - a city in east...
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