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Literatur: Xueqing Li, Rainer Kind, Xlaohui Yuan, Ingo Wölbern, Winfried Hanka, "Rejuvenation of the lithosphere by the Hawaiian plume", in: Nature,

Hawaii schmilzt | pro-physik.de

Xueqing Li, Rainer Kind, Xlaohui Yuan, Ingo Wölbern, Winfried Hanka, "Rejuvenation of the lithosphere by the Hawaiian plume", in: Nature, vol. 427, 2004, S. 827ff. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Xing WhatsApp. Verwandte Artikel. Forschung Neutronenreiche Kerne werfen sich in Schale. Forschung

Penn State Engineering: Computer scientist recognized...

Computer scientist Xueqing Li, is being recognized for his work in enabling nonvolatile computer designs with high power efficiency and ...

Collaborative Paper granted Best Paper Award

A collaborative paper, between the University of South Florida and three other universities, entitled
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