Yasin Oez Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yasin Oez)


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Going arty over art galleries - Deccan Herald

Yasin Oez, who runs the Abstract Art Gallery, gives the same importance to the framing of an art work as much as the art itself. His father the late ...

Art-to-art talk | Events Movie News - Times of India

· ... Kamal Kapoor, Tanuj Berry, Dr Nirmala Venkatachalam, Silloo Daruwalla, Pratima and Jagat Baid, Meenu Jaipuria and Yasin Oez.

Peak into sunshine - Bangalore Mirror

Descending from the post-recession period, art had a chequered year in But the stage, connoisseurs say, is all set for a beaming 2011

Die Rodgauer Kader der Saison Rodgau Fussball

... Fabio Lines-Catarino, Robert Sommer, Ralph Stricker - Angriff: Leon Becker (SG Nieder-Roden 2), Amien Al Abed, Boris Jost, Yasin Oez.
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Name "Oez" (127)
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