Zhi Huang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Zhi Huang)


BBC NEWS | Health | Chinese tea 'may cure jaundice'

A herbal tea used widely in China to treat jaundice could soon be used by doctors in the West.

yin zhi huang | Semantic Scholar

Herbal medicine Yin Zhi Huang induces CYP3A4-mediated sulfoxidation and ... by individual herbs present in the traditional Chinese medicine, yin zhi huang.

Leberentgiftung - Agenki - Gesundheitsforum

Brokkolisprossen selbst anzubauen und zu dämpfen, dazu das Yin Zhi Huang Tee Granulat (sehr kostengünstig) und Bioperine zu nehmen, ...

Marine geoscience takes centre stage | Geoscience Australia

Dr Zhi Huang, will present details of research on the long-term patterns of variation in ocean currents, including changes in the Leeuwin Current along the coast of Western Australia. This work builds upon 10 years of existing satellite data to help identify changes in the Leeuwin Current. These variations in ...
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Person "Huang" (1)
Vorname "Zhi" (138)
Name "Huang" (3547)
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