Zsolt Tamassy Person-Info 

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Pe site-ul www.lucrurigratis.ro sunt postate aproape 140 de produse care îşi aşteaptă noii proprietari. Cărţi, telefoane, încărcătoare, deco­raţiuni de...

MWC 2014: Huawei MediaPad M1 Hands on Preview: Dual Speaker Tablet...

reporter, Zsolt Tamassy. Let's see what this newcomer brings!

MWC 2011: Toshiba's Inch Tablet Hands-On (Video) - Tablet News

· Sister sites editor Zsolt Tamassy is reporting live from MWC these days and he brings us a nifty scoop: a Toshiba Tablet video demo.

MWC 2014: Huawei MediaPad X1 tablet video hands-on - Tablet News

Today, Huawei has launched not one, but two new Android tablets. The first one, Huawei MediaPad X1 it's one of the first devices from Mobile World Congress
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