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Review: 'Adjustment Bureau' is 'Inception'-lite - › SHOWBIZ › Movies › adjustmen...
· "The Adjustment Bureau" stars Matt Damon as politician and Emily Blunt as woman he loves · Movie based on Philip K. Dick short story, "The ...

Review: 'Adjustment Bureau' could use a few tweaks – The › review-a...
'THE Adjustment Bureau,” the latest retooling of a trippy Philip K. Dick (“Minority Report”) story, would have benefited from its own set of tweaks.

The Adjustment Bureau Review: Matt Damon's Battle of the Angels |...
You do — or don't — answer the phone, read an email, go to a party, catch the bus. If any one of these seemingly insignificant events were to go the other way,...

Adjustment Bureau | Film | Expressen
BIO SCI-FI ROMANTISK THRILLER USA. Av George Nolfi. Med Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Anthony Mackie, John Slattery
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