Adrian Fessel und Networks Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adrian Fessel)
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Schleimpilz-Adernetzwerke geben Hinweise für die Krebstherapie
[innovations report] - Literaturhinweis: Adrian Fessel, Christina Oettmeier, Erik Bernitt, Nils C. Gauthier and Hans-Günther Döbereiner, Physarum polycephalum Percolation as a Paradigm for Topological Phase Transitions in Transportation Networks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109,

Collective Experiment "Nodes & Networks: The city as Superorganism" -...
for updates please follow on Nodes and Networks is a series of collective art and science experiments exploring biol…

Collective Experiment "Nodes & Networks: The city as Superorganism" –...
Adrian Fessel, biophysicist, University of Bremen Alison Irvine, theater artist, Cut Paste Grow Mitchell Joachim, architect, Terraform ONE Oliver Kellhammer, artist ...