Aktham Abazid und Syrian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Aktham Abazid)
(1 - 9 von 9

Spiegel.de: Syrian in Berlin Channels Aid to Embattled Countrymen - DER SPIEGEL

A Syrian expat in Berlin has teamed up with Germans to launch a donation drive similar to long-distance

'Adopt' the Syrian uprising, supporters in Germany urge - The Nationalwww.thenationalnews.com › world › mena › adopt-t...

... Elias Perabo, a political scientist, and Andre Find, an expert on online campaigns, as well as by a Syrian expatriate, Aktham Abazid.

Expert Workshop: Syria- beyond hope?ecfr.eu › event › expert_workshop_syria_beyond_h...

Aktham Abazid, Head of Lien for Syrians e.V. and Founder of Adopt a Revolution. Muriel Asseburg, Senior Fellow, Research Division Middle East & Africa, SWP ...