News Aleksi Aaltonen

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George W Bush tops Wikipedia 15th birthday list - BBC News
Online encyclopaedia Wikipedia marks its 15th birthday with a list of the most edited pages in the site's history.

What Apple's record profits tell us about the gadgets we use - Mirror...
You don't make £7.2 billion without doing something right - but how does Apple's success translate to average gadget users?

Aleksi Aaltonen: Toward Quietly Smart Phones | 15 Minute News
7 Mar :26, Technology News. Aleksi Aaltonen: Toward Quietly Smart Phones - There are limits to how much technology can and should engage its...

Apple - Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei - Wirtschaft - Sü
Apple meldet fürs Weihnachtsquartal erneut Rekordzahlen, aber erwartet erstmals geringeres Wachstum könnte das Jahr werden, in dem Google den...

Branche: Auf dem Weg ins Regal – Von der Idee über das Konzept zum...
Ein neues Produkt zu erfinden, gehört zu den anspruchsvollsten Aufgaben in einem Unternehmen. Forscher, Tester, Marketing-Fachleute, IT-Spezialisten und viele...

Listen to the LSE Newsroom Episode - Aleksi Aaltonen: Tips for young...
Stream the LSE Newsroom episode, Aleksi Aaltonen: Tips for young entrepreneurs [Video], free & on demand on iHeartRadio.

Aleksi Aaltonen | The Afro News
Today, almost any company can put out a decent Android device The smartphone market is changing and Samsung, as the unquestionable ...

Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Bitcoin Comes to Facebook & Andinero...
The price of bitcoin nears $600 as a new contender in the form of andinero enters the cryptocurrency sphere

Dr Aaltonen: How I built and sold an app to Facebook | News | Warwick...
Academic Aleksi Aaltonen reveals his story behind building the app Moves and how he sold it to Facebook

Google is taking a step towards being a conventional company, argues...
While Google is taking a step towards being a conventional company, Dr Aleksi Aaltonen, Assistant Professor at Warwick Business School, ...

Why a list of comets is one of Wikipedia's longest pages
Without this cumulative growth effect, articles would have been up to 45 per cent shorter according to Aleksi Aaltonen, of Warwick Business ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Aleksi Aaltonen
Vorname "Aleksi" (88)
Name "Aaltonen" (123)