Maa Tv Anchors Person-Info 

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(1 - 4 von 108
) Ägypten: TV-Sender setzt Moderatorinnen auf Diät - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Das ägyptische Staatsfernsehen hat acht Moderatorinnen suspendiert. Die Frauen dürfen erst wieder vor die Kamera, wenn sie abgenommen haben....

Egypt lifts ban on veiled TV anchors - CNN
(CNN) -- Fatma Nabil made history Sunday as she became the first veiled woman to read the news on Egyptian state television. She wore an ...

Los Angeles top earthquake expert is praising two TV anchors who have...
L.A. earthquake czar: Don't mock TV anchors who ducked for cover.

Suits are old news for female TV anchors | The Seattle Times
Dresses dangled on the racks at Neiman’s and Saks and all Norah O’Donnell needed was a suit.Earlier this year, when the veteran news anchor was...
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