News Andrei Lintu

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Campus Event Calendar: Andrei Lintu ( in E )
Abstract. These days, there is an ever increasing need for realistic models,. renderings and visualization of astronomical objects to be used in

Augmented reality telescope brings universe closer | New Scientist
The system automatically projects high-quality astronomical images, such as those captured by Hubble, atop those seen through its own eyepiece

Implementing ERA-NET Cofund — ERA-LEARN
Andrei Lintu, European Commission, DG RTD. Introduction to ERA-LEARN Roland Brandenburg, FFG. ERA-NET Cofund in practice: Financial ...

Augmented reality telescope brings universe closer | New › article › dn8653-augmente...
· The telescopes' creators, Andrei Lintu and Marcus Magnor, from the Max Plank Institute for Informatics in Saarbrucken, Germany, ...

Implementing ERA-NET › news-events › events › impleme...
· Audit of ERA-NET Cofunds, Andrei Lintu, European Commission, DG RTD ... Outlook to European partnerships in Horizon Europe, Andrei Lintu, ...