Karim Abdel Asiz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karim Abdel Asiz)


Ben Alis erster Tag im saudi-arabischen Exil | Kleine Zeitung

Geflüchteter Präsident Tunesiens telefonierte mit Libyens Gaddafi.

Expertos auguran un futuro incierto, con objeciones y condicionales,...

El diplomático y escritor madrileño José María Ridao, al actor marroquí Abdel Aziz El Mountassir y al guía...

Under the abaya, Saudi women grasp reform toehold | Reuters

Deema al-Mashabi is eager to show off the gold brocade decorating the folds of her abaya. She designed her own robe — the traditionally all-black, enveloping...

Stories - Under the Abaya, Saudi Women Grasp Reform Toehold —...

Analysts say the new mutawa head, Sheikh Abdullatiff Abdel Asiz al-Sheikh, is navigating a fine line between placating conservative clerics ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Karim Abdel Asiz
Vorname "Abdel" (927)
Name "Asiz" (1)
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