Barack Obama und Mccain Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barack Obama)
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Barack Obama - Los Angeles Times Blogs
Barack Obama and John McCain may differ on everything from U.S. policy in Iraq to how many town hall debates they should schedule but -- who would have thought ...

Barack Obama or John McCain - Page 2 - Political Conspiracies - The...
Ms. Psaki added: "Barack Obama has a strong record in support of a secure Senior Advisor, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, UFJ, Ltd., Tokyo.

Barack Obama or John McCain - Page 3 - Political Conspiracies - The...
The running mate is their insurance, of course.Hope he's not Texan. My guess is that he will be a she, and she will not be a Texan. Obama has been endors...

US Election: Obama, McCain seek edge in economic crisis - WELT
Barack Obama and John McCain struggled to seize control of the No. 1 issue on voters’ minds –the economy – at a pivotal moment in the presidential campaign...