Barack Obama und White House Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barack Obama)
(1 - 33 von 97
) Obama's Mistakes: Chancellor Merkel Visits the Debt President - DER...

The occupant of the White House may have changed recently. But the amount of ill-advised ideology coming from Washington has remained constant. Obama's list of...

Barack Obama gets his groove back - CNNPolitics
Washington (CNN) Barack Obama is hanging as loose as the pinky and thumb salute of his native Hawaii. With his White House on a roll and ...

Barack Obama releases birth certificate - BBC News
The White House has released President Barack Obama's birth certificate, in response to persistent rumours he was not born in the US.

Watch Barack Obama's hilarious response to heckler at White House -...
THE President, who was attacked over his record at a gay rights summit, received cheers and applause as he slapped down the heckler.