Bill Gates und Microsoft Founder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bill Gates)
(1 - 38 von 94
) Bill Gates: I Told Trump How Wonderful Vaccines Are - DER SPIEGEL

Amid wars, fake news and Donald Trump, the risk of a global pandemic is getting little attention these days. In an interview, Microsoft founder and...

Bill Gates's Daughter is Dating an Egyptian Show Jumper | Al Bawaba
Jennifer Gates, daughter of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, is dating Nayel Nassar, an Egyptian show jumper.

Bill Gates wants mosquitoes to screw each other to death
Microsoft founder Bill Gates is pouring $4 million into a project to create … mosquitoes that destroy each other through …. It's a bold bid to ...

Bill Gates donates $4M to create mosquitoes that kill each other...

Microsoft founder Bill Gates is pouring £3million ($4 million) into a project to create … mosquitoes that destroy each other through ….