Emmanuel Buselin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Emmanuel Buselin)


(1 - 4 von 5

A Long-Lost Painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres Has Been...

A painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres has been found in the French province of Jura completely by chance, Le Monde reports. The piece is only t...

Long-lost Ingres masterpiece discovered in attic - Happening Media

Emmanuel Buselin, curator and advisor of the region's historical monuments conducted an inventory in the attic of a former hospital's chapel, ... › news

Арт-дайджест: Энгр с чердака, Бэкон из книжки и срок для ...

Открытие было сделано во время инвентаризации, которую проводила Эммануэль Бюслин (Emmanuel Buselin), куратор и советник по историческим памятникам региона, ... › news › 911~Ar...

Lost Ingres Masterpiece Discovered In A Hospital Attic In France

— ... located in the town of Lons-le-Saunier, in the French province of Jura, was made during an inventory conducted by Emmanuel Buselin, ... › news › l...
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