News Carlo Leifert

(1 - 30 von 45
) Bio-Milch und Bio-Fleisch enthalten gesündere Fettsäuren ...

"Menschen kaufen Bioprodukte vor allem aus drei Gründen", sagt Studienleiter Carlo Leifert von der Newcastle University. "Dem besseren Tierschutz, dem positiven Einfluss der biologischen ...

Bio zwischen Wahn und Sinn - 3sat |
Ist wirklich immer Bio drin, wo Bio drauf steht? Wie lässt sich das nachweisen? Bauern müssen einen enormen Aufwand betreiben, um Bio-Richtlinien einzuhalten....

Study sparks organic foods debate - BBC News
Scientists argue over the merits of a review which concludes that organic foods have higher levels of antioxidants and lower levels of pesticide residues.

Scientists have revealed that organic meat really is healthier |...
ORGANIC milk and meat really are healthier than their non-organic counterparts, it was claimed last night.

Guardian: Organic food is healthier: study | Science | The Guardian

Some organic foods, including fruit, vegetables and milk, may be more nutritious than non-organic produce, according to an investigation by British scientists.

'Headline-making and speculative health claims over organic foods...
Expert nutritionists dispute findings of research into the health benefits of organic milk and meat

An unhealthy row: report claiming organic food is better divides UK...
Fresh research claiming organically grown food is healthier than conventional crops has provoked a row between scientists.

Professor Carlo Leifert from the Newcastle University school of...
Professor Carlo Leifert from the Newcastle University school of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development says a new study has found there are benefits to...

FiBL Schweiz – Führend in Biolandbau-Forschung – Innovations Report
Zu diesem Ergebnis kam Carlo Leifert von der Universität Newcastle, der auf der dritten Biolandbau-Forschungstagung die Rolle der Schweizer Biolandbauforschung im internationalen Rahmen beleuchtete. Gemäß Kriterien, die an der Universität Newcastle entwic

In the news: Carlo Leifert | Times Higher Education (THE)
Carlo Leifert is not so keen on his press coverage at the moment. The Newcastle University professor, who works at the Tesco Centre of Organic Agriculture,...

Nitrat-Grenzwerte überdenken? - Aktuell
Dr. Carlo Leifert, Zentrum für Organischen Landbau der Universität Newcastle, auf der diesjährigen Tagung des Bundesarbeitskreises ...

August - Aktuell
Die Erhaltung der Natur als Lebensgrundlage des Menschen ist in der ... Die Ergebnisse wurden von Prof. Dr. Carlo Leifert, Zentrum für Organischen Landbau der ...

Nitrat ist gesund - Entwarnung für Salatfreunde?
Fast jeder hat die Warnungen tausendfach gelesen und gehört: Zuviel Nitrat im Salat und im Gemüse! ... sagt Carlo Leifert, Professor für ökologische Landwirtschaft an der ...

Studie zeigt: Biolebensmittel sind gesünder
Seite 1: Weniger Pestizidrückstände, mehr gesundheitsfördernde Antioxidantien. Forscher plädieren für Bio statt Normal-Food beim Einkauf.

Organic food 'better than ordinary produce'
Organic food is more nutritious than ordinary produce, according to an extensive four-year study.

Ten Questions with Carlo Leifert, Professor of Ecological Agriculture...
Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with Carlo Leifert, a Professor of Ecological Agriculture at Newcastle University. Carlo Leifert ...

Organic vs pesticides debate: still a hot potato
The jury’s out on whether food grown without pesticides is better for you – but either way we need to eat more fresh veg

Biomilch und Biofleisch enthalten mehr Omega-3-Fettsäuren
... Gillian Butler, Gavin Stewart and Carlo Leifert (2016): Composition differences between organic and

Naive, narrow and biased... Carlo Leifert explains why he resigned...
Latest news on GMO food, GMO crops, GMO labelling and genetically modified organisms

Ist Bio-Obst und -Gemüse gesünder? | Rathgeb Bio
Rathgeb Bio - bio logisch

Organic Food — Hype or Hope? [VIDEO Documentary + › organic-...
Carlo Leifert, agronomist and professor of ecological agriculture at Newcastle University, heads up the university's experimental farm. One of ...

LowInputBreeds -News
Recently, Professor Carlo Leifert has handed over project coordination responsibility to Gillian Butler, also from Newcastle University.. She is not new to the project – she is responsible for work package 1.2 on the development of improved cross-breeding strategies.. Further infomation

New research: high quality & safety of organic food ...
“From the scientific evidence gathered by the many project researchers during that last four years it turns out that organic and low-input farming systems give us a food quality and safety that is generally superior to conventional production systems”, according to the coordinator of the QLIF project, Prof. Carlo Leifert from the University ...

Is organic food healthier? -
Danish study claimed organic food was not healthier than conventional food

Significant differences between organic and non-organic ...
This study is the most extensive analysis of the nutrient content in organic vs conventionally-produced foods ever undertaken and is the result of a groundbreaking new systematic literature review and meta-analysis by the international team around Professor Carlo Leifert.

Major study documents nutritional and food sa | EurekAlert!
The largest study of its kind has found that organic foods and crops have a suite of advantages over their conventional counterparts, including more...

Kunstdünger kann Getreidekrankheiten auslösen (Archiv)
Im laufenden Forschungsrahmenprogramm der EU widmet sich ein eigener Schwerpunkt den Lebensmitteln und ihrer Fertigungskette. Mit dabei ein Freilandprojekt,...

Monsanto - mit Gift und Genen (Seite 29) - Allmystery
Mohamed Ezz El-Din Mostafa Habib C. Vyvyan Howard Richard C. Jennings Carlo Leifert Rubens Onofre Nodari Claire Robinson John Fagan
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Carlo Leifert
John Fagan
Vorname "Carlo" (5836)
Name "Leifert" (193)