Mireille Chalvon Person-Info 

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8h10, France 3, dessin animé. Bus magique et exploration ...www.liberation.fr › Médias

· ... de façon plaisante aux questions que se pose l'enfant», explique Mireille Chalvon, responsable des émissions jeunesse sur France 3.

First news from Annecy Festival! | Animation World Network

... Antoine Lopez (Clermond-Ferrand Short Film Festival, France) for short and feature films -- Mireille Chalvon (France), Paco Rodriguez (PPM ...

Mythic Warriors | History of Canadian Broadcasting

Subtitled Guardians of the Legend, and based on the Myth Men series of books by Laura Geringer and Peter Bollinger, this animated 26-episode half-hour series...

Formulaire - Portail de la Bibliothèque du Finistère

Mythologie : Jason et les Argonautes : Castor et Pollux : Jason et Médée / Jim Graig, réal, Laura Geringer, Peter Bollinger, aut. adapt., Mireille Chalvon, Zoé ...
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