Joe Joey Cipp Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joe Joey Cipp)


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District members call for ouster of Bellport top brass over gridder’s...
Longtime coach and current superintendent Joe Cipp Jr. VICTOR ALCORN. Top brass at scandal-scarred Bellport High School and its district ...

The Village News, Bellport's Paperless Newspaper-Seen and Heard...
Bellport Village News- Seen and Heard Archive 2007

Joe Cipp Jr, Legendary HS Football Coach Accused Of Fixing Player's...
A legendary high school football coach in New York has been accused of successfully pressuring school officials to change a star player’s grades so the teen...

LI HS football coach inflated player’s grades to score him Syracuse...
Joe Cipp, the superintendent and Bellport HS football coach, and several other administrators altered the transcripts last year for star lineman ...
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