Claudio Izaguirre Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claudio Izaguirre)


(1 - 4 von 10

Argentine drugs law plan sparks debate in slums - Reuters
Government plans to decriminalize drug use are stirring controversy in Argentina's slums, where residents blame a crack-like drug called paco for fueling...

Claudio Izaguirre - Big Bang! News
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El Ciudadano: diario online de Mendoza - Últimas noticias
Diario digital con noticias de Argentina y el mundo. Toda la información, videos y fotos de lo que está aconteciendo. El Ciudadano, noticias reales.

Argentinean bishop supports priests' controversial comments ...
In response to Father Lapadula's statements and the support of dozens of the faithful, Claudio Izaguirre of the Anti-Drugs Association of Argentina, stated, ... › ...
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Name "Izaguirre" (293)
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