Claudio Pino Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claudio Pino)


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Not for the faint of art | The Star
In that respect, designer Claudio Pino's sculptural jewellery runs rings around other designers: One of his rings has its own revolving mirror ...

One of Canada’s best-kept secrets: Our world-class contemporary...
Many ‘quietly make and sell and talk about their work in industry magazines, but really don’t get the attention they deserve’

Canadian Claudio Pino hits the big screen with Hunger Games jewellery...
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is expected to be one of the most successful movies of all time. With ticket sales pulling in an estimated $ million US in...

Officina Dei Sogni (Claudio Pino) -
Di interviste ce ne sono di molti tipi, questa è una di quelle che dà parecchia soddisfazione anche a chi ha posto le domande, una di quelle
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Claudio Pino
Vorname "Claudio" (6520)
Name "Pino" (2155)
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