News Cristóbal Vila

(1 - 7 von 8
) Digitale Hommage an M. C. Escher | Telepolis

"Inspirations" von Cristóbal Vila. Der spanische Computeranimations-Künstler Cristóbal Vila hat mit dem Kurzfilm "Inspirations: Art of M.C. Escher" eine bemerkenswerte Hommage an M. C. Escher ...

Guardian: Nature by Numbers | Science | The Guardian

Mathematics helps us discover nature: A stunning movie inspired by numbers, geometry and nature, by Cristóbal Vila.

Nixus, a concept car designed by Cristobal Vila. Follow through for a › news › general › nixus-a-concept-car-...
· General - Read the article "Nixus, a concept car designed by Cristobal Vila. Follow through for a video, stills and the Making of.

MCN Newsletter | IMAGINARY
Image credits: Parroquieta de San Miguel, La Seo, Zaragoza (Spain), from Ars Qubica, by Cristóbal Vila. IMAGINARY is a non-profit organization for open and interactive mathematics. IMAGINARY was initiated at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, which is a shareholder of IMAGINARY.

Tag: Cristóbal Vila | Evolution › tag › cristobal-vila
· “Infinite Patterns” starts with a simple triangle and builds to the most magnificent representations of human and nature's designs. Trending.

Nature by Numbers | newslichter - Gute Nachrichten online
NATURE BY NUMBERS from Cristóbal Vila on Vimeo. Schön und inspirierend: Ein 3D-Kurzfilm über Zahlen, Geometrie und Natur von Cristóbal Vila. Music by Wim...
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Vorname "Cristóbal" (69)
Name "Vila" (1476)