Paul Currion Person-Info 

( Ich bin Paul Currion)


Guardian: The aid system is broken – how can we fix it? | Paul Currion | The...

The political and economic conditions for which the aid system was created have changed radically. We need a new model for the turbulent century to come

::: LECTURA LAB ::: libros, futuro, Paul Currion, Futurebook
Estas son algunas de las reflexiones que Paul Currion ha publicado en un artículo en FutureBook. En primer lugar Currion presenta un mundo ...

Blockchain for humanitarian decision making, a risk analysis | Start...
Paul Currion discusses the risks and challenges of Start Network’s blockchain project. The Start Network Blockchain project was launched at the Start for...

Rethinking Humanitarianism Podcast Series Releases 4th Episode On...
New Humanitarian/Center for Global Development: The Future of Aid: Rethinking Humanitarianism Episode 4 “…In this fourth episode of the Rethinking...
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Kofi Annan
Vorname "Paul" (53446)
Name "Currion" (1)
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