Dave Thompson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dave Thompson)


(1 - 4 von 51

Collinsville's homage to its hometown root returns

[STLtoday.com] - "It is a great safe way to kick off summer, have fun and provides the opportunity to make some memorable family moments," said Festival Marketing Coordinator Dave Thompson. In fact, Collinsville's homage to the root was recently named a "Midwest Travel

Guardian: Hugo Rodallega keeps Wigan in top flight with goal against Stoke City

[The Guardian] - Photograph: Dave Thompson/PA Roberto Martínez turned on his heels as soon as he spotted the danger but was quickly wrestled to the ground, doused in champagne and thrown into the air by delirious Wigan players. It was the only escape he could not time

Guardian: Nick Griffin and the fall of the BNP

[The Guardian] - Photograph: Dave Thompson/PA On 5 May, the electoral challenge from the BNP died after another string of dismal results. While it could at one time mobilise over 700 local election candidates and a quarter of a million votes, this month the party awoke

『Microsoft Exchange Online』のトラブル、対応直後に再発

[インターネットコム] - Microsoft Online Services 担当コーポレート バイスプレジデントの Dave Thompson 氏によれば、この問題は「不正な Eメール トラフィック」をルーティング ハブが適切に処理できなかったことに関連して発生したという。ただし Exchange Online は、こうした問題に対処
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