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Jahreshauptversammlung des FC Andelsbuch | Bregenzerwald News

Im vollbesetzten Cafe Liss in Andelsbuch fand die diesjährige Jahreshauptversammlung des Simma Electronic FC Andelsbuch statt. Unter anderem standen dabei

West Seneca could thin out deer population

The West Seneca Town Board voted this week for the town's police chief to research plans to decrease the population.

Son Pleads Not Guilty in Death of Elderly West Seneca Mom | News |...

... he was kind of a drifter, so we believe he had been staying with her over the past month," said West Seneca Chief of Police Daniel Denz.

West Seneca board member's LetPeopleDecide.org

Assistant Chief Daniel Denz said. Patrol officers were not able to find the paint can. Damage was estimated at about $500, the report said.
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