News Diogo Medina

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Infarmed garante que há ″um número adequado″ de vacinas contra...
Segundo Diogo Medina, médico do GAT, estima-se que as vacinas existentes em Portugal cheguem até fim de junho, sendo necessário ...

Health group calls for more hepatitis vaccine to stop further...
A health campaign group has called on the authorities in Portugal take steps to acquire more vaccines against hepatitis A, on the grounds that the 12,

Galicia implantará un programa para eliminar el contagio del VIH y la...
«Focus» es fruto de la colaboración entre el Servicio Gallego de Salud y la compañía biofarmacéutica Gilead

Job Talks – Mentoring Project « News@fmul News@fmul
Diogo Medina: The FMUL excelled in taking advantage of the conditions created by the creation of the IMM and the GAPIC (and with the ...

News nº 9 | Outubro de 2009
Diogo Medina, President of the AEFML. The beginning of the present academic year is in itself a symbolic moment of the ...

Portugal hepatitis A outbreak: 'Far from controlled' - Outbreak News...
According to Diogo Medina, doctor of the Group of Activists in Treatments (GAT) says that Portugal will have 12 thousand vaccines that will ...
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