Dirk Valbert und Dortmund Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dirk Valbert)
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Dirk Valbert is new CFO for Swyx

- [Swyx|http://www.swyx.com] Leadership is growing Dirk Valbert is to become the new CFO at the Dortmund based 'Unified Communications' vendor from May...

Comms Dealer - Dirk Valbert named new CFO for Swyx

Dirk Valbert is to become the new CFO at Dortmund-based UC vendor Swyx from May 1st. The MBA holder brings more than 18 years experience in the...

OTS: Swyx Solutions AG / Swyx und Within Reach Group ...

— Geschäftsführung: Dr. Ralf Ebbinghaus (Vorsitzender), Dirk Valbert, Martin Claßen | Sitz: Dortmund, Handelsregister: HRB › nachrichten › OTS-Sw...