News Douglas Adams

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Google News: Columnist bids farewell

[The Daily Advertiser] - Douglas Adams, the author of the "Hitchhiker's Guide" series made an observation: "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." My mind can see the phalanx of editors with whom I worked since '96 nodding their heads as they

Google News: Kuviin copyright merkki, miten

[Tiede] - Jokin 800x600 kokoinen kuva on jo aika hyödytön lehtikuvaksi mutta riittää nettisivulle ihan hyvin. In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. Douglas Adams.

Buch Kritik: Und übrigens noch was ...: - Douglas Adams' Per Anhalter durch ...
[Monsters and Critics] - Von Karsten Kloß Douglas Adams weltbekannte Reihe "Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis" findet nach knapp 19 Jahren nun eine Fortsetzung. Wie der Titel schon sagt, handelt es sich hier um den sechsten Teil der Trilogie, die eigentlich mit Band fünf schon

Google News: Donald Ricky Adams Sr.

[The Tennessean] - He is survived by his wife, Lula Adams; sons, Donald Ricky Adams Jr. and Richard Douglas Adams; daughter, Tabatha Adams; sister, Mary Lou Meadows; and seven grandchildren. Funeral services held at 1 pm on Thursday, June 30, 2011, in the chapel of

Google News: Mensilità: Giugno 2011

[Paperblog] - Il portale delle tenebre di George RR Martin, 5* 4. La catene di Eymerich di Valerio Evangelisti, voto 9 – 5* 3. La vita, l'Universo e tutto quanto di di Douglas Adams, voto 9 – 5* 2. La Prescelta e l'Erede di Jacqueline Carey, 5*

Google News: Feel it break

[] - Άλλωστε ο μελλοντικός κόσμος του Douglas Adams δεν απέχει πιθανοτικά πιο πολύ από εκείνον του όποιου ...Βαρουφάκη. Έτος λοιπόν... Κάνοντας την μάλλον ασφαλή υπόθεση ότι και τότε η τάση των ανακυκλώσεων-αναβιώσεων θα διατηρείται άσβεστη και την

Davidson: Chance to conduct NRO a big lure
[Denver Post] - "What we do is prepare young musicians, who are already good, to be great musicians and great citizens of music," said Douglas Adams, the NRO's new executive director. The gala, held this year at the Grand Hyatt Denver, was chaired by Laurie Barr and

Google News: Cómo mantenerse seguro en una era de inseguridad

[PC World Latin America] - Ese es el consejo que Douglas Adams ofreció en los libros “Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” y también se aplica aquí. Es posible que vivamos en un mundo peligroso, pero un enfoque sensato (vea “Proteja sus datos contra la epidemia de piratería”

Google News: Aslak : Sligand le viking

[] - Un scénariste fan de Doctor Who, de Douglas Adams et des Monty Pythons ne peut écrire que des bonnes choses. Accompagné de Hub, le lyonnais Fred Weytens nous livre une histoire que n'aurait pas reniée les créateurs d'Erik le Viking.

Google News: 42 racconti terricoli - omaggio alla Guida galattica per autostoppisti.

[Paperblog] - Autostoppisti di tutta la Terra, dovrete scrivere un racconto con il quale trovare una domanda plausibile a questa criptica risposta, se volete anche infarcito dello stesso umorismo che ha caratterizzato lo stile di Douglas Adams.

Google News: Valenciai Görbe Tükör: Veszedelmes viszonyok

[F1 Hírek] - Az egymásnak szögesen ellentmondó, kibogozhatatlan hitelű nyilatkozatok közül, amelyek Douglas Adams elektromos szerzetesét is kék halálra ítélnék, volt egy különösen érdekes Valenciában. Mégpedig Christian Horneré, aki azt mondta

Google News: Július Gyula: Juxtapozíció

[] - Végezetül, a médium-művészeten átszűrt kozmikus látkép lezárásaként azt is leszögezhetjük, hogy Július képei nagyjából ugyanazt tanítják nekünk, mint Douglas Adams delfinjei: a világ nem feltétlenül olyan, amilyennek általában látjuk megszokott

Google News: Graham Chapman de la Monty Python revine la viaţă

[Romania Libera] - Scenariul are la origini „A Liar's Autobiography" (volumul VI), autobiografia lui Chapman, publicată nonconformist în 1980, cu cinci autori: David Sherlock, Alex Martin, Douglas Adams, David A. Yallop şi însuşi Graham Chapman.

Google News: La perdición fucsia

[Red Aragón] - La Perdición Fucsia, la primera parte de El Imperio del Tecnopreboste, es una aventura intergaláctica y delirante en tono de humor que ya ha sido comparada a Sin noticias de Gurb de Eduardo Mendoza, La guía del autoestopista galáctico de Douglas Adams

Don't get caught out by phishing
[Bermuda Sun] - FRIDAY, JUNE 24: The English writer Douglas Adams wrote, “If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands”. I believe what Mr Adams was

Google News: A Rough Guide to Highgate Cemetery

[Highgate People] - The rambling, romantic West Cemetery is the last resting place of many Victorian artists and writers, including the Rossetti and Dickens familiest; the East Cemetery houses more recent luminaries including Douglas Adams, Jeremy Beadle and political

Crimson & Crowley: Hot reads for the summertime
[Indiana Daily Student] - Wodehouse was one of the favorite writers of “Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy” author Douglas Adams. It's easy to see why since they share a similar comic It's a shame Wodehouse is sometimes overlooked purely because he wrote stories with a strong

Google News: Yindo breidt uit met ebooks van Meulenhoff Boekerij

[] - Tot de nieuwe titels die vanaf nu via het platform te lezen zijn behoren onder meer boeken van Harlan Coben, Douglas Adams, JRR Tolkien en Nicci Gerrard. "Het feit dat een gerenommeerde uitgeverij als Meulenhoff Boekerij ervoor kiest om boeken via de

Google News: a világ legsebesebb Macje

[] - Ez sírnivalóan gyors, a strandlabdának esélye sincs, hogy elkezdjen gondolkozni azon, vajon adjon-e esélyt magának arra, hogy felbukkanjon a képernyőn (Douglas Adams legalábbis így írná). A Macword Speedmark 6.5-ös tesztjén pedig 298 pontot ért el

What do your colleagues say behind your back?
[Business Spectator] - So said the English humorist, Douglas Adams – thus making light of a failure and its attendant embarrassment. If we repeat such mistakes, they taint our brand and become a significant aftertaste or qualifier. “Fred adds a lot of value … but he's

Kinostart "The Tree of Life": Das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest
[STERN.DE] - Und er gibt sich definitiv nicht mit Douglas Adams' "42" zufrieden. Der Mikrokosmos einer Mittelstandsfamilie in einer US-Kleinstadt in den 50er Jahren ist eingebettet im Makrokosmos der Entstehung der Welt. So kommt es, dass es nun tatsächlich einen

Google News: Nora Barnacle and the Birth of the Ebook

[TidBITS] - One would be a simple, purely textual novel: Douglas Adams' “Complete Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy”. One would be a popular novel to which we could add certain special features. We chose Michael Crichton's newly published “Jurassic Park” for that

Google News: 5 híres temető, amiket turisták is látogatnak

[Borsa] - Az itt nyugvók leghíresebbike Karl Marx, de Herbert Spencer, valamint a Galaxis útikalauz stopposoknak szerzője, Douglas Adams sírja is a Highgate-ben áll. Az USA egyik leghíresebb temetőjében hősi halott nyugszik – a legrégebbi sírokat még az

Interview: Michael Scott Miller, Author of Ladies and Gentleman...The Redeemers
[Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)] - For his exceedingly clever wit and wonderful turn of phrase, I would rate Douglas Adams and his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy near the top as well. As a sports fan, I thoroughly enjoyed Michael Lewis' insightful Moneyball and The Blind Side.

Il Web è la nuova culla del rapporto di coppia
[Il Secolo XIX] - Come scrive “Memedesimo”, di 35 anni: «I miei libri preferiti sono quelli di Kafka, Douglas Adams, PK Dick, Frank Herbert, W. Gibson. Ascolto e suono musica elettronica. “Eternità dorata” la butta sul simpatico: «La prima notizia da sapere riguardo a

Guardian: Don Calame's top 10 funny teen boy books

[The Guardian] - But the book I attribute most with teaching me that reading could be extraordinarily fun (as opposed to drudgery, toil, and homework) was The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Why? Because it was just plain hilarious.

Google News: Un sorprendente viaggio nell'universo e nella 'smatematica'

[La Voce d'Italia] - La prima stagione di Pacta dei Teatri al teatro Oscar si chiude con L'universo, molto probabilmente, un divertente spettacolo ispirato allo scrittore Douglas Adams, per la regia di Riccardo Magherini, in scena accanto a Vanessa Korn. Towel Day: ESA erinnert an Douglas Adams

Der 25. Mai ist für Fans von Douglas Adams der Tag, an dem sie stets ein Handtuch mit sich führen, um an die Bücher des britischen Autors zu ...

Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis: Google liebt Douglas Adams
Was Terry Pratchett für die Fantasy-Literatur ist, das ist Douglas Adams für Science Fiction. Der Mann ist eine – leider nicht mehr lebende – ... IT-News für Profis
Haben Roboter Gefühle? Im Roman schon - man denke nur an Marvin, das depressive Maschinenwesen aus Douglas Adams' Romanserie