Elham Kamyab und University Person-Info 

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Standardisation of Toxicity Tests on Corals to Meet ...National Academies

— Dr. Sascha Pawlowski. Laura H. Lütjens. University of Oldenburg (UOL). BASF. Former UOL members: Dr. Elham Kamyab, Ingo B. Miller. Page — Dr. Sascha Pawlowski. Laura H. Lütjens. University of Oldenburg (UOL). BASF. Former UOL members: Dr. Elham Kamyab, Ingo B. Miller. Page 8.

News // University of Oldenburg

Elham Kamyab gives a presentation on “Structural diversity-activity relationship and the role of saponin in Bohadschia argus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)“ at the Marine 'omics workshop in Delmenthorst. Samuel Nietzer publishes article about the husbandry of the Corn-of-thorns-starfish Acanthaster planci in KORALLE Magazin (Vol. 111)