Gerald Kurdian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gerald Kurdian)


(1 - 4 von 24

performance | centre pompidou-metz. La magie du spectacle vu par...
Le performer et chanteur revient au centre Pompidou-Metz vendredi 26 octobre, à 20 h, avec son spectacle The magic spectacular theater. Une conférence qui...

Teachers announcement: Gerald Kurdian | Listaháskóli Íslands
Gerald Kurdian has been on his way to Iceland for a long time – and the MFA is delighted to be able to work with Reykjavik Dance Festival and LOKAL Int....

ISEA2010 RUHR Performance | Mette Ingvartsen | ISEA2010 RUHR
steirischer herbst festival (Graz) Concept: Mette Ingvartsen Light design: Minna Tiikkainen Sound design: Gerald Kurdian Production management: ...

Say Something | Performance | Tanzfabrik
In these four speech acts, response and declaration, or the statement, serve as the theme and language as choreography. A bare stage and an artist...
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