Gerd Will und Renaissance Dam Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gerd Will)
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Renaissance Dam filling process to begin in July 2017, before impact...
Technical studies on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam are yet to be signed by Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia despite the dam being 70 percent complete.

Guardian: Nile dam study fails to stem the tide of Egyptian indignation towards...

Patrick Kingsley: Claim and counter-claim has attended the delayed publication of a report on the likely impact of the Grand Renaissance dam

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Treaty signed - International Water...
A tri-partite treaty agreement between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt has been signed in Khartoum for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, sparking the launch of a...

Draft deal agreed for Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam › news › newsdr...
The filling of the GERD will be executed in stages and will be undertaken in an adaptive and cooperative manner that takes into consideration ...