Harald Schulz und Director Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harald Schulz)
(1 - 16 von 16

Harald Schulz New CEO of AR Packaging Groupwww.foodingredientsfirst.com › news › harald-schul...

Harald Schulz succeeds Per Lundeen who is resigning after 12 years as CEO and who will now instead be joining the Board of Directors. Feb AR ...

Kreisvolkshochschule: Director Harald Schulz retireswww.landkreis-waldeck-frankenberg.de › mai › krei...

Now Harald Schulz has handed over his responsible post to his successor Manuel Wolf upon reaching the standard retirement age. District Administrator Dr.

AR-Packaging - AR Packaging strengthens the board of directors

For further information, please contact: Peter Törnquist, Chairman, ptornquist@ cvc.com. Harald Schulz, President and CEO, .